With the elements of our environment especially here in Alberta, vehicles are exposed to some of the worst weather in the world. Hot summers with plenty of sunlight that deteriorate vehicle’s clear coat with UV rays and worst of all our long dreadful winters age your vehicle quicker than a rolling rock star in their prime. Rocks are laid out in the streets to provide grip on the vehicle’s tires, and rocks can be spewed up from other vehicles which pelt our paint causing chips and destroying windshields. The Constant thawing and freezing of snow seeps into our vehicles mechanical components causing premature wear and oxidation, especially on body panels that are the main sufferers from oxidization. Oxidization causes rust that eats away at your body panels making a huge eye sore and displeasure knowing that your vehicle is corroding away. The only thing to fix oxidization and rust is to get very expensive body shop to remove it, and even then most of the time these problems of oxidization and rust come back because the rust is deeply penetrated. Rust is insideous and it must be completely removed for complications not persist, this is why here at Ming we can not stress enough the importance of protecting your new vehicle to inhibit these problems. We are here to educate you what products are best for your vehicle and you.
Protect Your Car From The Seasons With Rust Proofing
Rust Protection is a wax-based product that penetrates and seals the internal joints and seams using an atomization process. It preserves the moving parts, electrical connections and other vital components and can be used on new and used vehicles, as well as coating the inside of your panels to prevent oxidization from the inside out. Areas that are commonly sprayed are the hood, frame, front fenders and braces, trunk or hatch with perimeter seams, quarter panels or box on trucks, door panels, and bumpers if they are metal.
- Bonds to all surfaces for lasting protection
- Preserves the life of your investment
- Transferable Lifetime Warranty
- Creeps into seams and crevices to lock out moisture
- Keeps moisture and oxygen out of car seams
- Corrosion Resistant
- Protects electrical systems and components
- Penetrates existing rust to delay further growth and protect the metal.
Undercoating and Rust Proofing go hand in hand to help increase their overall performance as you seal your vehicle and prolong its life. Undercoating is a neoprene rubber and petroleum-based undercoating which will permanently seal your undercarriage and can be used on both new and used vehicles. Areas that are commonly sprayed are the wheel wells, wheel lip, exposed flooring, frame, weld joints, and inner box (trucks only).
- Asphaltic gums seal moisture and road salt out as well as protect against airborne pollutants that attach to car body metals
- Expansive plastic resins provide toughness and adhesion
- Magnesium and zinc oxides give a galvanizing action in case of damage or rock
- Transferable Lifetime Warranty with Ming
- Aesthetically looks better
- Corrosion Resistant
- Prevents Undercarriage Denting
Surprisingly enough your interior can be exposed to the elements as well and lose its new vehicle feel just as quickly as your vehicle’s exterior which is why we always recommend treat your leather, vinyl and fabric with a coating to help prolong its longevity.
- Hydrophobic effects allow you to clean any spilled liquid or solid with minimal effort, and also repels dirt, dust, and oils
- Lasts for years
- Prevents drying, and cracking
- Adds protection from harmful UV rays
- Our coatings have a matte original finish look, there is no greasy look or tacky feeling
To cap off we must understand that these are all methods of maintaining, enhancing, protecting the appearance and structure of a vehicle providing durability to the elements. Here at Ming, it is our goal to strive for you and your vehicles needs so whenever you get in your ride it still gives you that ‘new car’ feeling every time.