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Gift Cards available online or at all Ming Shine locations

Gift Cards available online or at all Ming Shine locations

Purchase an e-giftcard online or gift card in person at either our downtown or south locations. Gift cards can be mailed out upon request, we can take payment safely via email, phone, or in person using Clover’s secure POS system.

Our Gift Cards have no expiry date and is an amazing gift idea! Who wouldn’t want to detail or protect their vehicle.

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Ming Shine Premium Detailing

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Enjoy a complimentary valet with your service!

Ming Pickup/Dropoff Valet Service

Ming Shine wants to help you get time back to spend it on all of life’s luxuries, big or small.

While Ming’s shine experts treat your vehicle, our valet service keeps you mobile with a complimentary ride from our North or South location back to your home or place of business. We will even return to pick you up and drop you back off at the shop to make it even more convenient. Want us to come and collect your vehicle to bring it to the shop for you? That can also be accommodated – anything to make this process as smooth as possible! Schedule an appointment, save time, and take pride in your ride…effortlessly.

*Within Edmonton Only